Dyson Allergy Facts


Indoor Allergy Facts:

  • More South Africans are suffering from allergies than ever before.
  • Studies, coordinated by doctors at the University of Cape Town, link an alarming growth in allergies to urbanisation and modern lifestyle, mirroring a similar trend worldwide.
  • A survey of over 1000 schoolchildren found 6% now suffered from asthma, compared to 3% in a similar study 20 years ago.
  • The South African studies back international figures that suggest allergies have doubled worldwide in the last 10 to 15 years.

What are indoor allergens?

  • Allergens are substances like pet dander, dust mite faeces, mould spores or pollen that are found in dust.
  • While to some people these substances are harmless, they can trigger the immune systems of others to react and fight a harmless substance, causing an allergic reaction.

Dustmites are the world’s number one allergen in the home.  It’s not the mite itself that generates an allergic reaction, but rather the 20 droppings a day it produces.


EQUIPMENT: The vacuum-cleaner

A vacuum with good filtration is tantamount to reducing allergens in the home.  Dyson vacuum cleaners use root cyclone™ technology which spins and separates dirt and dust from the air, removing 99.9% of all dirt and dust particles from the airflow, preventing dirt and allergens being released back into the room. The air expelled from a Dyson has 150 less mould and bacteria than the air you breathe.

Particles inside Dyson’s cyclone technology are subjected to 150,000G - that's 43,000 times those experienced by Formula 1 driver and enough to kill dust mites!


If you suffer from severe allergies it’s also important to choose a cleaner that has a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Airflow) filter.  Dyson machines contain HEPA 12 filters.  This type of filter uses dense material which is highly efficient at trapping small particles.  Dyson vacuum cleaners can trap particles with a diameter of 0.1 micron – the equivalent size to a particle of cigarette smoke.

All Dyson vacuum cleaners have the British Allergy Foundation (BAF) seal of approval.


Dyson vacuum cleaners are now available to purchase from 4home.co.za


Dyson helpline: 086 111 5006

For more information  www.dyson.co.za
